Thursday, May 13, 2010

Culinary Gifts

For yourself or for another, these one bite treats in delectable flavors like peanut butter & Jelly and cookies & creme are just the perfect amount for those of us watching our figure. However, with 100 to a box, a girl's gotta have options...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Compost Corps

Yard trimmings and food residuals together constitute 26 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste stream (USEPA). That's a lot of waste to send to landfills when it could become useful and environmentally beneficial compost instead AND it just so happens those items are the two main ingredients needed to brew your own dirt! Composting offers the obvious benefits of resource efficiency and creating a useful product from organic waste that would otherwise have been landfilled.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Quote/Unquote Bookends

Of all the bookend options out there, these really say the most. Designed by Eric Janssen, the Quote/Unquote Bookends ($90) are exactly what they sound like, with the pair making the books in between "speak to [the owner] in image alone." Each pair is made with a concrete core and synthetic rubber exterior, which means they'll hold their own against even the heaviest of volumes.

Beyond Boxes: Cardboard Shipping in a New Dimension

Corrugated cardboard may be the coolest material of modern times: lightweight and flexible but also durable and rigid in just the right proportions to be the perfect way of packing boxes for storage, moving and shipping. This designer concept by Patrick Sung takes those key properties and uses them to take our idea of a boring cubic box to the next level.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hunter Wellington's

Hunter boots keep out the rain. They are all-weather (that means all 4 seasons people) fashionable and comfortable. For colder weather there are fleece socks that overlap at the top to keep the cold out too. They come in many colors and also come in shorter heights for those of us who come in shorter heights. Go out and get a pair.